Sunday, June 21, 2009

Publicity Announcement: NOT the West Texas Millionaires!

click on image

We have found it necessary to clear up the mix up that some of our fans have encountered when googling to find us on the internet. We try to give our proper website as found on our postcards but still our fan base are misdirected to the above group "Texas Millionaires" which is a barber shop chorus group out of Fort Worth.
Yes, we know that they are aware of us, and have tried to show homage with a barber shop version of "Maybe You're right" (God help us), but really, do you really think you would catch us in smiley face t-shirts under a tux?
And yes there is the issue that they came before us, beginnings go back to 1938 in Tulsa Oklahoma. But even then the jealousy is evident: a Tulsa band calling themselves "Texas Millionaires"....really guys...

So let this public relations announcement serve to clarify that WE are the WEST TEXAS MILLIONAIRES! There can be no equivalent or attempted facsimile.
Thank you for your continued support.

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